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Vedasara Shiva Stotram

Vedasara Shiva Stotram 
 With Sanskrit, English Lyrics and Meanings. 


Vedasara Shiva Stotram


वेदसारशिवस्तोत्रम् - With Sanskrit, English lyrics and meanings.

पशूनां पतिं पापनाशं परेशं
 गजेन्द्रस्य कृत्तिं वसानं वरेण्यम् .

जटाजूटमध्ये स्फुरद्गाङ्गवारिं
 महादेवमेकं स्मरामि स्मरारिम् .. १..

Pashunam patim papa nasham paresham,
Gajendrasya kritimvasanam varenayam,
Jata jutamadhye sphurat gangavarim,
Mahadevam ekam smarami smararim 1.

The lord of all beings,
The destroyer of sins,
The One who is clad in elephant hide,
The One who has the Ganges braided in his matted hairlocks,
I meditate on that one and only supreme God,

महेशं सुरेशं सुरारातिनाशं
 विभुं विश्वनाथं विभूत्यङ्गभूषम् .
 सदानन्दमीडे प्रभुं पञ्चवक्त्रम् .. २..

Mahesham, suresham, surarathinasham,
Vibhum, vishwanatham, vibhutyanga bhoosham,
Virupaksham indvarka vahni trinetram,
Sadanandam eede prabhu pancha vaktram. 2
The One who is the greatest,
The God of the gods,
The slayer of the enemies of gods,
The scholar, the lord, smeared in ashes,
The One with sun, moon and fire as his eyes,
I offer my obseiance to that Lord with five faces.

गिरीशं गणेशं गले नीलवर्णं
 गवेन्द्राधिरूढं गुणातीतरूपम् .
भवं भास्वरं भस्मना भूषिताङ्गं
 भवानीकलत्रं भजे पञ्चवक्त्रम् .. ३..

Girisham Ganesham Gale Neelavarnam,
Gavendradhi roodham gunatitarupam,
Bhavam bhasvaram bhasmana bhooshitangam
bhavani kalatram bhaje panchavakram. 3
He, who is the lord of the mount kailash, 
the master of his henchmen, 
who is astride the bull, 
who has infinite forms, 
who is the root cause of this world, 
the manifestation of light, 
who has his body smeared with ash, 
whose wife is goddess parvati 
I bow to that fice faced lord mahadeva.

शिवाकान्त शंभो शशाङ्कार्धमौले
 महेशान शूलिञ्जटाजूटधारिन् .
त्वमेको जगद्व्यापको विश्वरूपः
 प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो पूर्णरूप .. ४..

Shivakanta shambho, shashangardha moule,
Mahesanashulin jatajutadharin,
Tvameka jagadvyapako vishwaroopa,
Praseeda, praseeda prabho poorna roopa. 4

The One with the Divine Mother,
The One with most pleasant countenance,
The One bearing crescent moon and carrying trident,
The one with matted hairlocks, and the omnipresent,
All glories to that One who is Complete.

परात्मानमेकं जगद्बीजमाद्यं
 निरीहं निराकारमोंकारवेद्यम् .
यतो जायते पाल्यते येन विश्वं
 तमीशं भजे लीयते यत्र विश्वम् .. ५..

Parathmanamadhyam, jagat beejamekam,
Niriham nirakaramonkara vandhyam,
Yatho jayathe palyathe yena vishvam,
Thameesam bhaje leeyate yatra vishwam. 4
The Supreme Soul, the seed of all creation,
Free of ego and form,
The One knowable through the primoridal sound,
The creator, preserver and destroyer, 
I offer my obesiances to the God.

न भूमिर्नं चापो न वह्निर्न वायु- 
र्न चाकाशमास्ते न तन्द्रा न निद्रा .
न चोष्णं न शीतं न देशो न वेषो
 न यस्यास्ति मूर्तिस्त्रिमूर्तिं तमीडे .. ६..

Na Bhoomir na chapo na vahnir na vayur,
Ma cha akashamaste na tandra na nidra,
Na greeshmo na sheetam na desho na vesho,
Na yasya asti murthim trimurthi tameede. 6

The One who is beyond earth, water, fire, air, ether
The one unaffected by stupor, sleep, heat, cold
The one who is beyond a place and form,
Praise the One with three aspects.

अजं शाश्वतं कारणं कारणानां
 शिवं केवलं भासकं भासकानाम् .
तुरीयं तमःपारमाद्यन्तहीनं
 प्रपद्ये परं पावनं द्वैतहीनम् .. ७..

Ajam sashvatam karanam karananam,Shivam kevalam bhasakam bhasakanam,
Turiyam tama paramadyanta heenam,
Prapadhye param pavanam dvaita heenam. 7


The One is beyond birth,
The One who is permanent, the cause of the causes,
The One who illuminates the whole Universe,
The one beyond the three states, without beginning and end,
Destoryer of ignorance and struggle, the one beyond all duality,
I offer my obesiance to Him, the most pure.

नमस्ते नमस्ते विभो विश्वमूर्ते
 नमस्ते नमस्ते चिदानन्दमूर्ते .
नमस्ते नमस्ते तपोयोगगम्य
 नमस्ते नमस्ते श्रुतिज्ञानगम्य .. ८..

Namaste namaste, vibho vishwamurte,
Namaste, namaste chidananda murte,
Namaste, namaste tapo yoga gamya,
Namaste, namaste shruti gyana gamya. 8


Salutations and prostrations to the supreme scholar, the chief of all,
Obesiances to the One who is an embodiment of existence and bliss,
All glories to the One knowable through penance and yoga,
All glories to the One unknowable throught the inner knowledge of the vedas.


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