Pragyaparamitahridayasutram ||
om namo bhagawatya aryapragyaparamitayou ||
aryawalokiteshwaro bodhisatwo gambhirang pragyaparamitacharyangcharamano vyawalokiyati sma
panchaskandhastangshwaswarupshunyanpshyati sma |
iha shariputra rupang shunyata shunyataiwa rupam |
rupannaprithak shunyata shunyataa na prathagrupam |
yadrupang sa shunyata ya shunyata tadevrupam |
ewameva vednasangyasangskaravigyanam |
iha shariputra sarwadharmaha Shunyatalakshana Anutpanna Aniruddha
amala Avimala anuuna aparipurnaha |
tasmachhariputra Shunyatayang na rupang na vedana na sangya na sanskara na vigyanam |
na Chakshuhashotaghranajvivhaakayamangsi |
na rupashabdagandharassprashtawyadharmaha |
na chakshurdhaturyawannamanowigyanadhatuha |
nawidya navidyakshayo yavannajaramaranang na jaramaranakshayo na dukkhasamudyanirodharmarga na gyanang na paraptirnapraptiha |
tasmachhariputrapraptitwa dtrasto viparyaptatikranto nishthanirwanapraptaha |
tryadhwavyavsthitaaha sarwabuddha pragyaparamitamashwityanuttarang smyaksangbhodhimabhisangbuddhang |
tasmajgyatawang pragyaparamita mahamantro mahavidyamantro jnanuttarmantang samasamamantraha sarwaduhkhyaprashamanaha satyamamithyatwaat |
pragyaparamitayamukto mantastadyatha
gate gate paragate parasangate bodhiswaha ||
ityarya pragyaparamitahridayang samaptam ||
Translated into English by the Nalanda Translation Committee, with reference to several Sanskrit editions.
Thus have I heard Once the Blessed One was dwelling in Rajagrha at Vulture Peak mountain, together with a great gathering of the sangha of monks and a great gathering of the sangha of bodhisattvas. At that time the Blessed One entered the samadhi that expresses the dharma called profound illumination, and at the same time noble Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, while practicing the profound prajnaparamita, saw in this way: he saw the five skandhas to be empty of nature.
Then, through the power of the Buddha, venerable Sariputra said to noble Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, "How should a son or daughter of noble family train, who wishes the practice the profound prajnaparamita?"
Addressed in this way, noble Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva said to venerable Sariputra, "O, Sariputra, a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to practice the profound prajnaparamita should see in this way: seeing the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness are emptiness. Thus, Sariputra, all dharmas are emptiness. There are no characteristics. There is no birth and no cessation. There is no impurity and no purity. There is no decrease and no increase. Therefore, Sariputra, in emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, no perception, no formation, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no appearance, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no dharmas; no eye dhatu up to no mind dhatu, no dhatu of dharmas, no mind consciousness dhatu; no ignorance, no end of ignorance up to no old age and death, no end of old age and death; no suffering, no origin of suffering, no cessation of suffering, no path, no wisdom, no attainment, and no nonattainment. Therefore, Sariputra, since the bodhisattvas have no attainment, they abide by means of prajnaparamita. Since there is no obscuration of mind, there is no fear. They transcend falsity and attain complete nirvana. All the buddhas of the three times, by means of prajnaparamita, fully awaken to unsurpassable, true, complete enlightenment. Therefore, the great mantra of prajnaparamita, the mantra of great insight, the unsurpassed mantra, the unequaled mantra, the mantra that calms all suffering, should be known as truth, since there is no deception. The prajnaparamita mantra is said in this way:
Thus, Sariputra, the bodhisattva mahasattva should train in the profound prajnaparamita."
Then the Blessed One arose from that samadhi and praised noble Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, saying, "Good, good, O son of noble family; thus it is, O son of noble family, thus it is. One should practice the profound prajnaparamita just as you have taught and all the tathagatas will rejoice."
When the Blessed One has said this, venerable Sariputra and noble Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, that whole assembly and the world with its gods, humans, asuras, and gandharvas rejoiced and praised the words of the Blessed One.
Original Sanskrit Script :-
(For translation or Pronunciation just comment below, I will give you.)
प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदयसुत्रम् ।।
ॐ नमो भगवत्या आर्यप्रज्ञपारमितायै ।।आर्यावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्वो गम्भीरां प्रज्ञापारमिताचर्यां चरमाणो व्यवलोकयति स्म
पञ्चस्कन्धास्तांश्वस्वरुपशुन्यान्पष्यति स्म ।
इह शारिपुत्र रूपं शून्यता शून्यतैव रुपम् ।
रुपन्नपृथक् शून्यता शून्यताया न प्रुथग्रुपम् ।
यद्रूपं सा शून्यता या शून्यता तदेवरुपम् ।
एवमेव वेदनासंज्ञासंसकारविज्ञानम् ।
इह शारिपुत्र सर्वधर्मा: शून्यतालक्षणा अन्नुत्पन्ना अनिरुद्धा
अमला अविमला अनूना अपरिपूर्णा: ।
तस्माच्छारिपुत्र शून्यतायां न रुपं न वेदना न संज्ञा न संस्कार न विज्ञानम् ।
न चक्षु:क्षोत्रघ्राणजिह्वाकायमनांसि ।
न रूपशब्दगन्धरसस्प्रष्टव्यधर्मा: ।
न चक्षुर्धातुर्यावन्नमनोविज्ञानधातु: ।
नाविद्य नाविद्याक्षयो यावन्नजरामरणं न जरामरणक्षयो न दु:खसमुदयनिरोधमार्गा न ज्ञानं न प्राप्तिर्नाप्राप्ति: ।
तस्माच्छारिपुत्राप्रप्तित्वाद्वोधिसत्वो प्रज्ञापारमितामाश्वित्य विहरत्यचित्तावरण: ।
चित्तावरणनास्तित्वदत्रस्तो विपर्याप्तातिक्रान्तो निष्ठानिर्वाणप्राप्त: ।
त्र्यध्वव्यवस्थिता: सर्वबुद्धा: प्रज्ञपारमितामश्वित्यानुत्तरां सम्यक्संभोधिमभिसंबुद्धा: ।
तस्माज्ज्ञातव्यं प्रज्ञापारमितामहामंत्रो महाविद्यामंत्रो ङनुत्तरमंत्र समसममंत्र: सर्वदु:खप्रषमण: सत्यममिथ्यत्वात् ।
प्रज्ञापारमितायामुक्तो मंत्रस्तद्यथा
गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा ।।
इत्यार्या प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदयं समाप्तम् ।।
This mantra is called Avalokiteśvaraikadaśamukhadhāraṇī in Sanskrit or (Eleven Faced Avalokitesvara Dharani in English) It was told by Eleven Faced Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in Tibetian Buddhism, but Do not misinterpret it as Great Compression Mantra (Nilkantha Dharani), as it is little different.
If you want it in Tibetan Script or Ranjana script just tell me, I will make it for you as I am learning it these days.
Sanskrit Script with Romanized version
नमो रत्ना त्रयाया (Namo Ratna Trayāya)
नम: आर्य ज्ञाना (Namaḥ Ārya Jñāna)
सागरा विरोचना (Sāgara Vairocana)
व्युहारजाया (Vyūha Rājāya)
तथागताया (Tathāgatāya)
अराहाते (Arhate)
साम्यकसाम् बुद्धाया (Samyak Sambuddhaya)
नम: सर्वा तथागतेभ्ये (Namah Sarva Tathagatebyah)
अराहातेभ्ये (Arhatebhyaḥ)
साम्यकसाम् बुद्धेभ्ये (Samyaksaṃbuddhe Byaḥ)
नम:आर्याा अवालोकितेश्र्वराया (Namaḥ Arya Avalokite Śvarāya)
बोधिसत्त्वाया (Boddhisattvāya)
महासत्त्वाया (Mahāsattvāya)
महाकरुनिकाया (Mahākāruṇikāya)
तद्याथा: (Tadyathā)
ॐ धारा धारा (Oṃ Dhara Dhara)
धीरी धीरी (Dhiri Dhiri)
धुरु धुरु (Dhuru Dhuru)
इत्ती वैत्ती (Ite Va Itte)
चले चले (Cale Cale)
प्राचाले प्राचाले (Pra Cale Pra Cale)
कुसुमे कुसुमा (Kusume Kusuma)
वारे इलि मिलि (Vare Ili Mili)
चितीज्वाला मापनाये स्वाहा: (Citijvala māpanāye Svāhā)
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