Powerful mantras of goddess Red Tara to banish evil spirits and effects of black magic.
Goddess Tara ( Goddess of "Salvation" )
Pratyaaleedd Padaaarpitaam Ghrisha Varda Ghora Attahaasaa Paraaa
Khada Gendee Varkartri Kharpar Bhujaa Hoonkaarbee Jodbhavaa
Kharvaa Neel Vishaala Pingala Jataa Jootei Kanaa Geiryutaa
Jaadayam Nyasya Kapaalike Trijagataam Hantyu Grataaraa Swayam
Means, Seated in the pratyalidha asana, on the heart of a corpse, supreme, laughing horribly, holding cleaver, blue lotus, dagger and bowl, uttering the mantra Hum, coloured blue, her hair braided with serpents, the Ugratara. She bestows all supernatural powers.
Second in Dus-Mahavidya, Bhagwati Tara is in the form of a million of sparkling light as Star, she lives in cremation ground, she is enriched with all sorts of knowledge, specially knowledge for Moksha or salvation.
The Goddess of "Salvation" or "Moksha" and Extreme knowledge. Respresent's the force to get libration from birth and death, with extreme knowledge. 'Akshovya-Shiva' (Who gulped the dangerous poison name Kalakuta, which come out from churning of Ocean or Samudra Manthan) is the Vairabh of Goddess Tara, identified as 'Rama' of Vishnu's Twenty-four incarnations and belong from Soft Aggressive or 'Somya Ugra' category.
When Maha-Kali adopted her blue appearance, she did so in order to kill the demon Hayagreeva (name of a giant in Hindu Mythology). From then she was well known as "TARA" (a sparkle of light or Star).
She bestows upon Moksha (Salvation) and rescues from every tough and hard situation of life. According to Swatantra Tantra, (name of a Hindu Mythological text book) Maha-Kali got her blue appearance on the birth of Maha-Shakti (supreme power) Tara, which was in the bank of "Cholna" river near Meru (name of the mountain) Mountain.
As per Mahakal Samhita (name of a hindu Mythological text book), she was born on the 9th day of the Hindu month of Chaitra Shukla Paksha (in Hindu calendar a month consists of two lunar phases: shukla paksh is the waxing phase of moon). We celebrate this day as Ram Navami (birth date of lord Rama) also.
Tara is the Bhairavi of Akshovya Shiv (A name of Shiva, who stays on her head). She occupies the central position in Buddhism. In Hinduism her way of worship is adopted from Buddhism. She is almost fierce, horrible and potentially dangerous in Hinduism, but in Buddhism, along with these features, she is also playful and charming. She manifest herself in three main forms, 1. Ugra Tara, 2. Neel Saraswati 3. Ekjata and she is also famous with her eight names called Asta-Tara.
This is one of the most powerful mantras of goddess Red Tara to banish evil spirits and effects of black magic. Mere chanting of this mantra has immense benefits. Playing and chanting the mantra at haunted properties/places will remove evil and purify the place. Infuse water with this mantra and drink the water; this will destroy the effects of any black magic or evil spirits on you. (Hence is the belief of Kaulantak tradition.)
CAUTION: Never use this mantra and any techniques above to exorcise spirits from any place not rightfully yours or from any person not closely related to you. Otherwise, you may land in karmic entanglements with possibly grave consequences...
"om streem streem streem ram ram ram ram ram ram ram ram rakttaraya ham ham ham ham ham ghore Aghore Vaame kham kham kham kham kham Kharpare sam sam sam sam sam Sakal Tantrani Shoshaya-Shoshaya Sar sar sar sar sar Bhootadi Naashaya Naashaya Streem Hum Phat."
।।श्री रक्ततारा तंत्रादि भूतबाधा नाशक महामंत्र।। रक्तवर्णकारिणी, मुण्ड मुकुटधारिणी, त्रिलोचने शिव प्रिये, भूतसंघ विहारिणी भालचंद्रिके वामे, रक्त तारिणी परे, पर तंत्र-मंत्र नाशिनी, प्रेतोच्चाटन कारिणी नमो कालाग्नि रूपिणी,ग्रह संताप हारिणि, अक्षोभ्य प्रिये तुरे, पञ्चकपाल धारिणी नमो तारे नमो तारे, श्री रक्त तारे नमो। ॐ स्त्रीं स्त्रीं स्त्रीं रं रं रं रं रं रं रं रं रक्तताराय हं हं हं हं हं घोरे-अघोरे वामे खं खं खं खं खं खर्पपरे सं सं सं सं सं सकल तन्त्राणि शोषय-शोषय सर सर सर सर सर भूतादि नाशय-नाशय स्त्रीं हुं फट।
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