Narasimha and Prahlada
Prahlada praying to Paramaatma:
Pundarikaksha, Purushottama, Sarva Lokaatman, Tikshana Chakradhaari, Go-Brahmana-Hitakaari Krishna, Vaasudeva, Jagaddita Govinda!
My sincere prostrations you again and again. As Brahma Swarupa, you do the scripting of Srishti; as Vishnu administer and preserve it, and as Rudra you perform the samhara; thus you are the Trimurti-dhaari Parameswara! In reality you assume the myriad Swarupas of Devas, Yakshas, Asuras, Siddhaas, Nagas, Gandharvaas, Kinnaraas, Piscachaas, Rakshasaas, Manushyas, Pashus, Pakshis, Sthaavaraas, Pipeelikaas or ants, Sariswarupaas, Prithivi, Jala, Akasha, Vayu, Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa, Gandha, Manas, Buddhi, Atma, Kaala, Guna, and all other forms and indeed you are not only present in them but in fact you are all these yourself! You are the Vidya and Avidya, Satya and Asatya, Visha and Amrita, Vedokta Pravritti and Nivritti Karmaas; You are the Bhokta and Bhojya, and again the Karmaphala of Plus and minus variations; you are spread over among me and all others, among Bhutas and Bhuvanas, Gunas and Traits, Suchanaas or indications; all the Yogiganaas meditate you only, Yagnika ganas perform Yagnas only in your name, you are the Pitruganas and Devaganas receiving and forwarding Kavyaas and Havyas! Ishwara! The totality of Brahmanda is your Gross Form, of which a minute part is in the Form of Bhumi, and in that Sukshma Form of Earth are a staggering sub-forms of Beings and the ‘Antaraatma’ is the Sub- Conciousness; indeed far beyond is the ‘Sukshmaatma Sukshma’ ‘Avishaya’ or nothingness to whom my salutations! You are the Saguna- Nirguna Parashakti and Nitya Swarupini Shakti and it is that Para-Paraa Shakti which is even far interior or far beyond that Shakti is Vaasudeva. That ‘Vastu’which is not material but is a huge question-mark that I pray with humility and extreme dedication! While the whole Universe is visible yet indivisible, may that Supreme Power who makes, maintains and mars it-as the Adi Kaarana, Akshara, Adhara Bhuta, Avyaya, and Adi Shakti save me and let me live so as to serve you again and again and ultimately get absorbed unto You! the Brahma Sanjnak Parama Purusha!)
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